
Two Years Marriage Ends Over Wife’s Refusal To Use Husband’s Surname

According to reports, a two-year marriage ended in divorce because of a disagreement over the wife’s refusal to use her husband’s last name.

Iyke Orji, a Facebook user, revealed this information and offered insights into the separation, calling it a minor issue that could have been settled with maturity and dedication.

According to Orji, the husband had requested that his wife add his last name to her official documents, social media accounts, and bank account details.

The wife allegedly objected, citing issues with her online persona, personal identity, and other work obligations related to her maiden name. The couple debated the matter for two years without coming to an agreement.

Their divorce, which was finalized just four days before Orji’s announcement, was the result of this argument. A friend of mine recently divorced her wife four days ago due to a surname dispute.

What was wrong? There wasn’t much that seasoned, devoted minds could do about it. Since they are now married, he requested that the lady change her father’s name to their last name in all of her handles.

He requested a court affidavit to change her bank account information and other personal information that was associated with her father. The woman declined, claiming it would damage her reputation, followers, and other things. Guy was at ease, as were Mr. and Mrs.