
Gaza War: International Law ‘Laid To Rest’

The US/Middle East Project’s president, Daniel Levy, claims that Israel’s war on Gaza and Lebanon will have an “impact for generations.”

Levy spoke to Al Jazeera from London, stating that “the level of destruction, suffering, even polio vaccination campaigns that cannot be continued but it is also about how international law is being laid to rest (in an even more definitive way).”

He continued, “What Israel has done is maintained an occupation and an apartheid regime that has been largely paid for over decades by international funding.”

Levy explained that despite the extent of the destruction, Israeli ministers can only call for settlements in Gaza because Israel’s “trade ties” internationally “continue to be normal.”

“Where are those arrest warrants, where are the sanctions, and where is that questioning of whether Israel can be a member in good standing?” asks “Even when its (Israel’s UN ambassador) says the UN building should be destroyed and shreds the UN charter on the podium at the General Assembly.” He pressed.
