
10 Smart Ways To Use Eggshells Instead Of Throwing It Away

Eggshells are frequently thrown away without a second thought, yet they are remarkably useful and can be repurposed in numerous innovative ways.

Here are 10 smart uses for eggshells that may make you reconsider tossing them out:

1. Garden Fertilizer

Crushed eggshells make an excellent addition to garden soil, supplying calcium vital for plant development. Just crush the shells and scatter them around your plants.

2. Pest Deterrent

Eggshells can help keep pests like slugs, snails, and even cats at bay. Spread crushed shells around your garden to form a barrier that these creatures will avoid.

3. Compost Booster

Incorporate eggshells into your compost pile. They decompose and help balance the compost’s pH, enriching it with essential nutrients.

4. Seed Starters

Utilize eggshells as tiny pots for germinating seeds. They are biodegradable and can be planted directly into the ground when the seedlings are ready, providing additional calcium for the young plants.

5. Cleaning Agent

Crushed eggshells can serve as a mild abrasive cleaner. Combine them with a bit of soapy water to scrub pots, pans, and other surfaces without causing scratches.

6. Exfoliating Face Mask

Make a natural exfoliating face mask by grinding eggshells into a fine powder and mixing them with egg whites. Apply the mixture to your face, let it dry, and rinse off for smoother skin.

7. Laundry Brightener

Place a small mesh bag filled with crushed eggshells in your laundry. The shells assist in removing stains and keeping whites bright.

8. Natural Drain Cleaner

Ground eggshells can help maintain clean pipes. When combined with warm water and dish soap, they can scrub away buildup and prevent clogs.

9. Calcium Supplement for Pets

Grind eggshells into a fine powder and sprinkle a small amount over your pet’s food. This is an excellent way to boost their calcium intake.

10. Coffee Grounds Enhancer

Mix crushed eggshells with your coffee grounds before brewing. The shells help lower the acidity of the coffee, resulting in a smoother flavor.